Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Impact of the Watergate Scandal - 1366 Words

Everyday citizens often live unaware of their government’s inner workings. The knowing of political espionage is often too heavy of a subject to be inducted in conversation. True, prima facie, modest twists and turns of information may not be considered substantial, but this inconsideration leaves much to be uncontrolled. It is easy for political leaders to become power crazed, to not realize the massive implications that come of their actions. Only after all is said and done do the people actually realize their government is an opaque mask of deception. The Watergate Scandal substantially impacted Americans’ trust in their government. The years leading up to the 1972 election were filled with new political tactics. Going into the†¦show more content†¦Edgar Hoover, leader of the FBI. (Emery 10). These two men were responsible for payouts, operation and oversight of all members involved in Gemstone, which included the Central Intelligence Agency, and the Federal Bureau of Investigations. The CIA had been banned from spying operations since 1947, but it repeatedly broke the National Security Law to cooperate with Gemstone, fully to Nixon’s knowledge (Emery 22). Hoover attempted to stop the spying in 1972, but it had gone too far (Emery 21). Nixon had won the election, but operations in Gemstone did not stop. However, June of 1972 brought a swift halt to the untapped power of surveillance. On June 17th, 1972 five men were arrested at the Watergate Complex break-in: James McCord, Frank Sturgis, Bernard Baker, Virgilo Gonzales, and Eugino Martinez (Mary 1). The perfect loop of lies and spying had been br oken. While only the beginning, Nixon’s demise started with the arrest of five men. Once broken, the seal of Watergate could never be replaced. The five men brought arrested for breaking into the Watergate Complex had to be served fair justice. The official hearings began on January 8th, 1973 (Files 1). However, fair trials would not prevail. Edward B. Hunt ordered the payout of twenty thousand dollars to each member of the break-in team, fifty thousand for his lawyer, and seventy thousand dollars for himself (Files 6). The â€Å"hush money† proved successful. All four Cuban men pledShow MoreRelatedEssay on All the Presidents Men - The Watergate Scandal822 Words   |  4 Pagesbook discussed what happened to President Nixon in the Watergate Scandal from Bernstein and Woodwards point of view. The Watergate Scandal was a significant part of presidential history. This even would result in Nixons resignation and what would have been his guaranteed impeachment. The Watergate Scandal took an impact on politics as a whole. Politicians are known as liars and people who keep secrets from the public. 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The Watergate scandal began when five men attempted to break into the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee at the Watergate Complex. The government had to create an act in order to have the right to view all surveillance footage from the headquarters. This break-in sparked more than enough

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