Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Understand Child and Young Person Development free essay sample

The difference between sequence of development and rate of development is, sequence development is that there is a definite pattern to a child developing e. g. a toddler should be able to walk before they can run and the rate of development is the speed in which a child develops e. g. one baby may walk unaided at 10 months and another may not accomplish this until 12 months old. The difference is important because when a child develops if they achieve this by sequencing it will enable you to plan effectively and at the right time.When recording the rate of development it helps you to identify any concerns that you may have within the development area, this enables you to further investigate why this is happening. How is the development of children and young people influenced by a range of personal factors? Children and young people’s development may be influenced due to their personal issues such as health issues. We will write a custom essay sample on Understand Child and Young Person Development or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This could be something genetic or caused by the environment the child grows up in.If the child lives in poor quality houses with damp this could trigger asthma and other breathing problems. Poor diet could affect their development. There may also be learning difficulties and although different from person to person, these difficulties make up the common daily experiences of many learning disabled children. A person with a learning disability may experience a cycle of academic failure and lowered self esteem. Having these handicaps can be an overwhelming frustration. How is the development of children and young people influenced by external factors?External factors can really affect a child’s learning, some of these could be poverty and deprivation, although this is not one of the major influences where as in other, not so well off countries, this is a major fact as these children cannot have any education as there is not any available. Also the child’s background can affect the development of the child. If the child is growing up in broken home, whether they live with their mother or father would be significant in developing their view of the world. How do the theories of development and framework to support development influence current working practice?Piaget (cognitive) Jean Piaget was interested both in how children learnt and in how they thought; he showed that young children think in strikingly different ways compared to adults. Piaget’s theories have had a major impact on the theory and practice of education. First the theories focused attention on the idea of developmentally appropriate education-an education with environments, curriculum, materials and instruction that are suitable for students in terms of their physical and cognitive abilities and their social and emotional needs. There are three basic components to Piaget’s theory: Schemes (building blocks of knowledge) a way of organizing knowledge e. g. a child begins to understand what a dog is by looking at a picture. As an educator we show the children pictures of real life models and tell them what they are. They then build this block of knowledge. * Process that enable the transition from one stage to another (equilibrium, assimilation and accommodation) Equilibrium- is the force, which moves development along. Assimilation-which is using an existing schema to a new situation. Accommodation-happens when the existing schema (knowledge) needs to be changed to take in new information.Teaching supports these developmental theories by providing support for the â€Å"spontaneous research† of the child. Using active methods that require rediscovering or reconstructing â€Å"truths†, using collaborative, as well as individual activities, devising situations that present useful problems, and create disequilibrium in the child. * Stages of development: Sensor motor, (0-2 yrs) Preoperational, (2-7yrs) Concrete operational (7-11yrs) Formal operational (11yrs+) His ideas have led to one way of understanding children in the field of education and have led to what we would call discover y learning by the child. The main teaching implications drawn from Piaget’s theories are: A focus on the process of children’s thinking, not just its products. Recognition of the crucial role of children’s self-initiated, active involvement in learning activities. Acceptance of individual differences in developmental progress. Bondura (social learning)-The social learning theory proposed by Albert Bondura has become perhaps the most influential theory of learning and development. His theory added a social element, arguing that people can learn new information and behaviors by watching other people.First is the idea that people can learn through observation. In the classroom we show children new concepts new ideas by demonstrating ideas to them. Some children will then copy these ideas and learn new concepts for them. Next is the idea that internal mental states that are intrinsic rewards are an essential part of this process. Rewards and constant praise are used in classrooms when seeing good behavior and new learning so children then want to please more. Finally this theory recognises that just because something has been learned, it does not mean that it will result in a change in behavior.

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